Aurora - UNICEF’s monitoring and evaluation system for social workers

A real-time system for identifying vulnerable children


Project Overview

Aurora, the software solution provided by Atta Systems, was developed as a tool that would evaluate the vulnerabilities and the services provided. Aurora’s platform and mobile application became a complex software system of support for community workers and supervisors and a real-time monitoring and evaluation tool for vulnerable children policy advocates.


HIC (Helping the Invisible Children) is a project piloted by UNICEF Romania between 2011 – 2014, as part of the UNICEF Community Based Services Programme in Romania. The project aimed to increase the impact of social protection policies for poor and socially excluded (invisible) children and their families. The issue of invisible children is highly relevant for rural communities in Romania. Preventive community services can be effective and financially efficient when implemented properly.




Vulnerable Children Identified


Persons registered in the system


Localities Included in Aurora

"The AURORA application and the map of social and health services in Bacău are good practice models that could form the basis of a national platform which brings together all child-related information that all three fields (social, health and education) provide."

Gabriela Coman

President of the National Authority for the Protection of Child Rights and Adoption


While designing and building Aurora, we had to overcome several challenges: 

Product Challenges

  1. Real-Time Data Handling: Accurate, real-time data collection and validation from multiple sources.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Designing intuitive interfaces for users with varying technical skills.
  3. Offline Functionality: Developing offline capabilities and synchronizing data when online.
  4. Scalability and Security: Building a scalable system with strong encryption and security protocols.
  5. Training and Support: Providing comprehensive training and ongoing user support.

Tech Challenges

  1. Backend and Infrastructure: Designing scalable, reliable backend infrastructure and managing large data volumes.
  2. Mobile Application Development: Creating a robust, offline-capable mobile app compatible with various devices.
  3. Data Synchronization and Cloud Integration: Implementing efficient data synchronization and leveraging cloud services.
  4. Security and Compliance: Implementing advanced security measures and ensuring data protection compliance.
  5. Performance Optimization and Testing: Optimizing platform performance and conducting rigorous testing.


Atta Systems contributed by designing a scalable infrastructure rolled out at the national level. We created a platform that includes a wide range of user roles such as counseling teachers, social workers, and health mediators, and offered them the possibility to collaborate; We put together an easy-to-use interface that can be adopted by the social workers in a short time, even with limited technical capabilities. Aurora is used by social workers in the field, even in remote neighborhoods of their community, where there is no internet connection. Aurora works offline and automatically syncs with the servers to ensure real-time collaboration and monitoring. Besides the technical challenges, Aurora also required workflow changes at every level of social services delivery. Together with UNICEF, we provided extensive training for everyone involved: social workers, community health nurses, school counselors, county-level management, and national-level management.

Aurora was the first real-time monitoring and evaluation system that allowed social workers to identify vulnerable children and deliver a minimum social services package to them to improve their situation. Aurora has been developed together with UNICEF Romania and is being used in over 400 communities in Romania.

Aurora is a complex system, with multiple components that interact with each other. It helps four types of users: social workers, supervisors, policymakers, and the general public.

The mobile app for social workers facilitates fieldwork activities, especially in the diagnosis of vulnerabilities and the provision of services. Based on a grid of indicators, the social workers collect all relevant information about the children and their families.

Aurora was the first real-time monitoring and evaluation system that allowed social workers to identify vulnerable children and deliver a minimum social services package to them to improve their situation. Aurora has been developed together with UNICEF Romania and is being used in over 400 communities in Romania.

Aurora is a complex system, with multiple components that interact with each other. It helps four types of users: social workers, supervisors, policymakers, and the general public.

The mobile app for social workers facilitates fieldwork activities, especially in the diagnosis of vulnerabilities and the provision of services. Based on a grid of indicators, the social workers collect all relevant information about the children and their families.

The web platform allows access to data collected in the field, in real-time, on different access levels: local, regional, or national. Each level has access to powerful visualizations and reports. The social workers can access their data, plan interventions, and manage their workload, together with their team at the local level. 

The Aurora Public which is the newest addition to the Aurora system is a web app that provides information to the general public. The data is anonymized, it is statistical and can be used by scholars, NGOs, and others.

User Flows

For each flow in Aurora Project, we develop user flow diagrams just like this one to help us understand what the optimal user journey looks like.

For each flow in Medicai, we develop user flow diagrams just like this one to help us understand what the optimal user journey looks like.

Design System

The Aurora Project Design System provides a unified component base for both designers and developers to ensure consistency throughout all products.

The Medicai Design System provides a unified component base for both designers and developers to ensure consistency throughout all products.

DICOM Viewer

Medicai's DICOM viewer supports all imaging types, provides efficient storage, and allows seamless access to medical images from any device, including mobile ones through the Medicai Mobile app, enhancing real-time collaboration and patient care.

Below you can play with Medicai’s DICOM Viewer directly embeded in our website. Inside the viewer, you can see a MRI imaging study.



Product Design

User research to better understand the users and the procedures including user interviews and field user testing.

User experience design, covering the journey of a child in the system

User interface design, branding, and the design system behind all the Aurora software components

Engineering (Software Dev, AI) & QA

Software engineering for the backend systems, and the web apps: Java with Spring Framework, Angular.JS

Data engineering, Big Data, and BI Integration (Saiku and then Metabase)

Security compliance for several audits with the UNICEF HQ Team in Washington DC, US, and the Romanian Government

Quality Assurance services and Continuous Monitoring solutions to make sure the uptime of the platform is close to 100%

Infrastructure (DevOps)

Software Architecture: We designed a robust system architecture, orchestrating multiple server-side components with several frontends: web app, mobile app, BI reporting tool. 

DevOps Services: Our DevOps team manages deployment across both on-premise and cloud environments, ensuring scalable and reliable performance.

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