Wealth manager for everyone

Educational and digital tools to help consumers make the best financial decisions


Project Overview

Bankata is a comprehensive fintech platform designed to simplify financial decision-making. It offers users the ability to compare hundreds of financial products, including credits, cards, and investment accounts, all in one place. The platform provides detailed information and personalized recommendations to help users select the best options for their needs.

Key Features:

  • Extensive Product Comparison: Access and compare hundreds of financial products to find the best fit for your needs.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Receive tailored financial advice based on your unique financial situation.
  • Global Bank Connectivity: Connect to thousands of banks worldwide to get a unified view of your finances.
  • Detailed Spending Insights: Visualize your spending habits with detailed statistics and reports.
  • Customizable Reports: Generate customized reports to better understand and manage your financial activities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a seamless and intuitive user experience through our robust design system.


Wealth management services are typically reserved for the top 15% of the population. Bankata, a B2C fintech startup, democratizes access to these services with the help of technology. By providing knowledge and financial tools, Bankata empowers everyone to take control of their finances and make informed financial decisions, regardless of their level. Bankata serves as a self-service wealth manager for all.



"Atta Systems is an extremely responsive partner, addressing change requests very quickly. The team is communicative and transparent, and so far they’ve adhered to the timeline that they created. Their industry knowledge and ability to understand business needs has made for a seamless process."

Diana Seredenciuc

Co-Founder, Bankata


  • Data Integration: Aggregating financial data from thousands of banks worldwide.
  • Security and Compliance: Meeting stringent security standards and financial regulations.
  • Scalability: Handling large volumes of data and user interactions efficiently.
  • User Experience: Creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Real-Time Updates: Providing real-time updates without requiring new downloads.
  • Localization: Adapting the app for different languages and cultures.
  • Performance Optimization: Maintaining high performance across various devices and operating systems.
  • Data Privacy: Protecting user data privacy, especially sensitive financial information.


We developed a robust platform for Bankata, simplifying financial decision-making. Our solution integrates and compares hundreds of financial products in one place, providing users with detailed information and personalized recommendations. We also built a user-friendly mobile app that connects to thousands of banks worldwide, offering a comprehensive view of finances, detailed spending insights, and customizable reports to help users manage their financial activities effectively.

Product Aggregation Platform:

  • Integration: Aggregated and compared financial products from the market, offering detailed information and personalized recommendations.
  • User Interface: Created an intuitive web interface for easy navigation and product comparison.

Mobile App Development:

  • Global Bank Connectivity: Enables users to connect to thousands of banks worldwide, giving them a unified view of their finances.
  • Financial Insights: Developed features for detailed spending statistics and customizable reports to help users understand and manage their finances.
  • Technologies Used: Utilized React Native with Expo for a seamless front-end experience, Firebase for analytics and crash reporting, and Amazon Cognito for secure user authentication.

Backend Infrastructure:

  • Scalability: Built a scalable backend using Node.js and Nest.js to handle large volumes of data and user interactions efficiently.
  • Real-Time Updates: Implemented AppCenter’s CodePush for real-time updates, ensuring users always have the latest features without needing to download new versions.

Product Aggregation Platform:

  • Integration: Aggregated and compared financial products from the market, offering detailed information and personalized recommendations.
  • User Interface: Created an intuitive web interface for easy navigation and product comparison.

Mobile App Development:

  • Global Bank Connectivity: Enables users to connect to thousands of banks worldwide, giving them a unified view of their finances.
  • Financial Insights: Developed features for detailed spending statistics and customizable reports to help users understand and manage their finances.
  • Technologies Used: Utilized React Native with Expo for a seamless front-end experience, Firebase for analytics and crash reporting, and Amazon Cognito for secure user authentication.

Backend Infrastructure:

  • Scalability: Built a scalable backend using Node.js and Nest.js to handle large volumes of data and user interactions efficiently.
  • Real-Time Updates: Implemented AppCenter’s CodePush for real-time updates, ensuring users always have the latest features without needing to download new versions.

User Flows

For each flow in Bankata, we develop user flow diagrams just like this one to help us understand what the optimal user journey looks like.

For each flow in Medicai, we develop user flow diagrams just like this one to help us understand what the optimal user journey looks like.

Design System

The Bankata Design System provides a unified component base for both designers and developers to ensure consistency throughout all products.

The Medicai Design System provides a unified component base for both designers and developers to ensure consistency throughout all products.

DICOM Viewer

Medicai's DICOM viewer supports all imaging types, provides efficient storage, and allows seamless access to medical images from any device, including mobile ones through the Medicai Mobile app, enhancing real-time collaboration and patient care.

Below you can play with Medicai’s DICOM Viewer directly embeded in our website. Inside the viewer, you can see a MRI imaging study.



Product Design

User Research: Conducted interviews and competitive analysis to understand consumer needs.

User Experience Design: Designed intuitive user journeys for seamless interaction with the Bankata platform.

User Interface Design: Developed a cohesive branding and design system for a consistent user interface.

Engineering (Software Dev, AI) & QA

Frontend Development: Used React Native and Expo for the mobile app, integrated Firebase (analytics, Crashlytics), Amazon Cognito (registration, login), and AppCenter CodePush for real-time updates.

Backend Development: Built a scalable backend with Node.js and Nest.js.

Quality Assurance: Provided QA services and continuous monitoring for platform reliability.

Infrastructure (DevOps)

Software Architecture: Designed the system architecture, integrating financial product sources.

DevOps Services: Managed deployment across on-premise and cloud environments.

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